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KARKAS: a toolkit for creating a knowledge base
KARKAS: the shell for creating a knowledge base

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04 Август 2022

07 Февраль 2019
MODEL OF HIERARCHICAL FUNCTIONAL SYSTEM FOR CLUSTER ANALYSIS Collection of Scientific Papers of KhNUPS 2(56). Kharkiv, 2018, p. 82 - 88. The model of the hierarchical functional system of the subject area...

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Models of knowledge bases (ecological and economic activity)

The transition from empirical assessments to scientifically based methods of making environmentally sound decisions lies through the creation of expert systems (ES) of environmental monitoring, focused on assessing and predicting the state of the environment under anthropogenic impact.

Knowledge base model for determining exposure in environmental risk assessment
Formulation of the problem. Create a knowledge base for determining the type of exposure in the assessment of environmental risk based on the analysis of data for each type of exposure.
The purpose of the ES prototype is to provide advice on determining the type of exposure when assessing environmental risk (health risks, death risk, disease risk).
Scope of the ES prototype: - These are various municipal bodies for environmental risk assessment.
Class of tasks: - this is an analysis of possible types of exposure.
The purpose of the ES prototype: - is to determine the type of exposure in the assessment of environmental risk.
Expected results (list of possible values ​​for the purpose of the consultation): the most correct definition of the type of exposure in the assessment of environmental risk. The following possible values ​​of the purpose of the consultation are assumed: inhalation intake of chemicals (IC) from evaporation from the water during bathing in an open reservoir; inhalation exposure to CV entering the air from the soil; inhalation intake of HV from the evaporation of drinking water; oral intake of CV with drinking water; oral intake of CV in case of accidental ingestion of surface water; oral intake of CV from the soil; skin exposure of the soil; skin exposure of open reservoirs; skin exposure of tap water.
Sub-objectives: The sub-objectives of the consultation are the environment of distribution of CV, borderline human organs, the frequency of exposure to CV, the duration of exposure to CV, the state of aggregation of CV.
Initial data: for the analysis of the distribution environment - identification of the environment that carries the pollutant (Pollutant); to determine the method of entry of a substance into the body - information about the state of aggregation of substances, borderline human organs; to determine the degree of exposure - information on the frequency and duration of exposure.
Conceptual model of ProAbout. The construction of the ontology of the ObD is given in Section 1. The physical representation of the ontology, that is, the construction of the knowledge base, is considered below.
Recall that the full exposure scenario, which reflects the impact on the population in real conditions, includes an assessment of the intake of chemicals into the human body simultaneously from different media (atmospheric air, drinking water, surface water, soil, food) in various ways (oral, inhalation, skin).The classes of the subject area are presented in Table. 2.1.
Table 2.1
Knowledge base classes
Class Number of instances of the class Hierarchy level
Type of exposure 10 1
State of aggregation 6 2
Border organs of a person 6 2
Frequency of exposure 4 2
Duration of exposure 6 2
Distribution environment 6 2

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Vladimir Burdaev
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