Learning module
At the beginning of training, each student is registered and authorized in the system. Since all people are divided into extroverts and introverts according to their psychophysiological characteristics, therefore, the learning models for them are different. Therefore, in order to choose the appropriate learning model, each student is invited to take a test to determine the psychological type (Eysenck test). Based on the test results, the student falls into one of eight psychological type clusters: hypersanguine, sanguine, hypercholeric, choleric, hyperphlegmatic, phlegmatic, hypermelancholic, melancholic
The knowledge base for determining the psychophysiological characteristics of students contains twelve productions and three frames.
Next, the student is tested to calculate the coefficient of the intellectual level IQ. As a result of testing, the student receives an initial grade, which serves as the basis for calculating his further rating during training.
In accordance with clusters of psychological type, each student is attached to the appropriate learning model.
For example, for a hypersanguine person, the learning model takes into account the following parameters: readiness to seek help in studying content (reasoned responses from the teacher); the use of flash-animation to satisfy emotional outbursts; tasks for training and testing should contain a practical nature (inductive teaching method).
For a hyperphlegmatic person, the learning model is characterized by the following parameters: calm teaching methods; time testing should be longer than for extroverts; tasks for training and testing are designed in more abstract terms (deductive learning method). So, as a result of preliminary testing, each student will study according to his own model of learning.